July 27, 2024 | Log in

DFG Research Training Groups meet in Dagstuhl

Michael Storz presents his work at Dagstuhl Castle

Michael Storz presents his work at Dagstuhl Castle

From Mai 26th to Mai 29th 2013 the DFG Research Training Groups in Computer Science met in Dagstuhl Castle. About 70 Professors and PhD-Students of 15 RTGs participated. This annual meeting takes place in Dagstuhl since 2007. The general idea of the meeting is to support networking between the young researchers. The RTGs presented their work and discussed their experiences. Maximilian Eibl gave an overview on CrossWorlds and Michael Storz presented his work. Keynotes were given by Frank Kirchner from the DFKI Bremen on “Robotics and Artificial Intelligence” and Bernt Schiele, director of the MPI Informatics Saarbrücken on “Scene Understanding – It’s Time to Address it Again”. An overview of the event can be found here.



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