February 23, 2025 | Log in

Dagstuhl 2014

Quis, quid, quando, ubi, cur, quem ad modum, quibus adminiculis.

dagstuhl participantsNumerous participants of German Research Training Groups (RTG) met each other at the 8th Joint Workshop. The network meeting, funded by the German Research Foundation, took place on June
15 – 18 at Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics.

To contribute to the chief task of Schloss Dagstuhl and the desiderata of computer science the RTGs emphasized “Interdisciplinary scientific working principles” which not only influence the attractor space of diverse computer scientific approaches and concepts, but also change the structure, formats and methods of computer science research programs, the academic conversion of related curricula, and the transfer-processes between theory and practice.

Student talks, cross-thematic seminars, student-professor and invited talks provided deeper insight into opportunities how to deal with the circumstances of the desiderata of an interdisciplinary computer science. In a formidable way the Joint Workshop demonstrated that coming events and analysis shall not be limited to “a review of the actual position of the discussion” of research in computer science, but also might have to address the self-commitment that could be a common vanishing point.



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