March 11, 2025 | Log in

Media researchers captured Heidelberg

From March 21st to 23rd the 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP) took place in the marvelous city of Heidelberg. A group of media researchers from CrossWorlds and the affiliated Chair of E-Learning and New Media participated as well and presented their work during the conference.

Right at the first day, Maria Wirzberger gave a talk on modeling load-inducing factors in instructional design within her organized symposium on enhancing experimental research with the cognitive architecture ACT-R, in which she had invited speakers from Heidelberg and Berlin as well. On the second day, within a session on multimedia learning Steve Nebel talked about the jigsaw principle in educational videogames, Sascha Schneider presented his research on politeness in multimedia instructions as facilitator of learning and motivation and Maik Beege introduced his work on the effect of addressing in multimedia learning. Furthermore, master’s degree student Laura Winkler together with her supervisor Kevin Koban presented her bachelor’s thesis on attractiveness priming in one of the exceptionally well-attended poster sessions. During the third day, Alexander Skulmowski gave his talk regarding impacts of physical demands on cognitive resource allocation in a session related to the field of embodiment.

We had a great time in Heidelberg with a lot of exciting talks and discussions! Moreover, we could enjoy vibrant conversations with our fellows from various locations and research areas and thereby enhance our professional networks.



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