January 2, 2025 | Log in

René Richter

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Faculty of Computer Science
Professorship of Artificial Intelligence
Reichenhainer Str. 70, Raum A317
09126 Chemnitz, Germany

Phone: +49 371 531-31587
Fax:     +49 371 531-831587
Email:  rene.richter {at} cs.tu-chemnitz.de

Dissertation Project

“A neurocomputational model of emotional attention” (working title)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker (Artificial Intelligence)
Research areas: Emotion, Communication

Research Interests

  • Learning affective visual attention
  • Avatar reactions to emotions
  • Functionallity of the emotion system


Curriculum Vitae

 since 04/2015  PhD student at the DFG research training group “Crossworlds – Connecting virtual and real social worlds” at TU Chemnitz
 10/2011-03/2015  Student assistant at Professorship of Artificial Intelligence
 04/2008-03/2015  Major in Computer Science, Minor in Artificial Intelligence