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Call for Papers


Monday 30th June and July 1st, 2014
Chemnitz, Germany

Organizers: Research Training Group Crossworlds, Department of Computer Science and Institute for Media Research

Please note: Registration is open until June 23


We invite researchers from various disciplines to submit short papers to CrossWorlds 2014, the International Conference on theory, development and evaluation of social technology. Social technologies include both technologies that directly interact with users (e.g. social robots, virtual agents, assistance systems) and technologies that facilitate the interaction between two or more users (e.g. computer mediated communication, multiplayer games, multitouch tables).

Digital technologies have become an inherent part of our society, thus evolving into social actors themselves. This development changed the focus of research from questioning the general potential of technologies to more specific issues. Research from different disciplines addresses topics from modeling social aspects of technology to the design of human-computer interfaces. Following these focused approaches, it becomes even more important to understand the emerging connections between users, contexts and social technologies.

The conference addresses this issue and provides a platform for vital discussions about different aspects of social technology. To enable a broad debate on the subject, approaches from various disciplines, methods and perspectives are encouraged. Presentations may feature algorithms, technology, implemented systems, empirical research and theoretical considerations.

Conference topics include (but are not limited to):

  • What makes social technology social and intelligent and which procedures can be employed?
  • How can we model social behavior theoretically and practically?
  • Do we need new methods? How can we assess social interaction in the context of technology usage and development?
  • Which methodological approaches are appropriate for evaluation? Can social technology evaluate itself?
  • How can we account for ethical issues as well as non-affirmative and critical approaches in HCI?
  • How can the design of social technology be carried out interdisciplinarily?
  • How do developers’ tacit knowledge and concepts of sociality affect the design of social technologies?
  • How do different degrees of virtuality shape social interaction?
  • How can social technology be employed to catalyse interaction between users in non-virtual space?
  • How can Virtual and Augmented Reality be designed to create (virtual) sociality?
  • How can social technology account for user needs? In which ways can systems act proactively?
  • How can we shape user experience of social technologies? How important is it for social technology to be entertaining?
  • How can computer based learning be facilitated by social technologies?



We invite you to submit abstracts (PDF, minimum 500 words) to the program committee (crossworlds2014@tu-chemnitz.de) no later than 28.02.2014. The submissions will be subject to peer reviews. Please make sure, that you remove any author information including author names and references as well as acknowledgments and funding information. However, you should send your author and contact information on a separate cover page for the program committee.

Abstracts should make absolutely clear what the current status of the proposed work is. A preference is given to finished work ready for presentation (note: this also includes theoretical/conceptual papers, if the concept itself is the main subject of presentation). By submitting a paper the authors agree to personally present their research at the conference.

Conference abstracts will not be published/indexed, but are electronically distributed to the conference attendees. However, selected abstracts will be invited to be extended to full papers to be published in an edited collection of the conference proceedings.

Please use the IEEE template for your submission. Further information on the layout can be found here: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html


CFP-Deadline: 31.01.14
extended Deadline: 28.02.14
Notification of acceptance: 31.03.14
Registration Deadline: 23.06.14
Conference: 30.06./01.07.14


Andreas Bischof (andreas.bischof (at) phil.tu-chemnitz.de)
Benny Liebold (benny.liebold (at) phil.tu-chemnitz.de)
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl (maximilian.eibl (at) informatik.tu-chemnitz.de)
Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler (peter.ohler (at) phil.tu-chemnitz.de)


Michael Teichmann (michael.teichmann (at) informatik.tu-chemnitz.de)
Michael Heidt (michael.heidt (at) informatik.tu-chemnitz.de)

For more detailed information, please visit www.crossworlds.info/conference
We look forward to meeting you in Chemnitz.