Associated members of the Research Training group include external phd students, research students, interns and bachelor/master students working on associated topics.
External Post Docs
- Dr. Arne Berger
- Dr. Nicholas H. Müller
- Dr. Christian Pentzold
- Dr. Georg Valtin
External PhD Students
- Frederik Beuth (Working Title: A unified model of visual attention to investigate object recognition, visual masking, and single-cell recordings)
- Aida Farahani (Working Title: Facial expression recognition with biologically motivated deep learning)
- Robert Herms (Working Title: Identifizierung akustischer und linguistischer Merkmale zur automatischen Erkennung von kognitiver Belastung bei Fluglotsen)
- Amirhossein Jamalian (Working Title: Attentive robot vision)
- Kevin Lefeuvre (Working Title: tba.)
- Linda Pfeiffer (Working Title: Emotion-sensitive interfaces in the context of air traffic control)
- Matthias Sommer (Working Title: Über figurative Ordnungsbildung – Eine gegenstandsverankerte Theorie von Selektionsprozessen in der Lebenswelt)
Master Students
2015-2016 (Current Group)
- Sarah Paul (Title: “Modellierung einer Face-to-Face-Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Agent hinsichtlich der Übertragung emotionaler Werte durch Mimik”)
- Shirin Esmaeili Bijarsari (Title: “Schema development in robot construction”)
2012-2015 (Former Group)
- Linda Pfeiffer (Title: Entwicklung und Evaluation von interaktiven Systemen zur Unterstützung des kulturellen und sozialen Erlebens im musealen Kontext)
- René Richter (Title: A neurocomputational systems-level model of affective visual attention)
- René Larisch (Working Title: Combining biologically plausible STDP and iSTDP rules in a circuit of the primary visual cortex for robust simple-cell learning)
- Tom Schilling (Title: “Creating Interactive Prototypes of Muliti-User Applications on Multitouch Tabletops”)
- Steve Nebel (English Title: “Effects of Video Game GUIs on Spatial Presence”; Original German Title: “Das Fenster zur virtuellen Welt. Der Einfluss des GUI und der Spielerfahrung auf das Spatial Presence Empfinden und die Spielwahrnehmung in Videospielen”; submission: Nov 2012)
- Tobias Zach (Working Title: Immersive VR-HMD, Stereoscopy and Spatial Mapping)
Bachelor Students
2015-2016 (Current Group)
- Stefanie Dlouhy (Title: “Hyperlinks as interruption of schema acquisition?”)
2012-2015 (Former Group)
- Daniel Trommler (Title:”Mobile interactive edutainment screen”; Original German Title: “Mobiler interaktiver Edutainment Screen”)
- Gerald Meier (Working Title:”Video annotation environment with RCP/e4″)
- Markus Keller (Working Title: TBA)
- Robert Behm (Working Title: TBA)
- Thomas Seltmann (Title: Aspekte musealer Kontextualisierung von Empfehlungssystemen)
- Janne Münz (English Title: “Construction of spatial situation models in virtual environments”; Original German Title: Konstruktion räumlicher Situationsmodelle beim Erleben virtueller Welten. Gestaltung einer virtuellen Umgebung und Konzeption eines Studiendesigns zur Untersuchung von Spatial Situation Models beim Spielen von Videospielen)
- Sina Gierig (Title: Emotion recognition in speech)
- Michael Göthel (Working Title: Learning temporal dynamic receptive fields in a model of the primary visual cortex trough modeling inhibitory and excitatory neurons)
- Christian Achten (Working Title: Gesture-based interaction and Spatial Mapping)
- Laura Netzband (Working Title: Spatial Situation Models and Spatial Orientation Tasks in a Video Game Environment)
- Nils Czichon (Working Title: Continuous Measures for the State of Presence: A Review)
- Julia Hellmich (Working Title: Qualitative Videoanalyse von divergenten Altersgruppen an einem Multiuser Touchtable im Museum)
- Svenja Meier (Working Title: Interaktive Großdisplays im öffentlichen Raum – eine rhetorisch-strategische Untersuchung der Motive und Intentionen des Einsatzes)
- Philipp Knauth (Working Title: Guerilla Marketing – Chancen und Risiken des polarisierenden und innovativen Marketingkonzepts)
Research Students
2015-2016 (Current Group)
- Christoph Powazny (Dipl.-Inf. René Schmidt)
- Mehrdad Ahadi (Dipl.-Inf. René Schmidt)
- Yannik Augustin (M.Sc. Alexander Skulmowski)
- Teresa Duchilio (M.Sc. Alexander Skulmowski)
- Stefanie Dlouhy (M.Sc. Maria Wirzberger)
- Shirin Esmaeili Bijarsari (M.Sc. Maria Wirzberger)
2012-2015 (Former Group)
- Yannik Augustin (Research Team Communication I)
- Janne Münz (Research Team Sensomotorics I)
- Thomas Bengel (Research Team Sensomotorics I)
- Tobias Zach (Research Team Sensomotorics I)
- Florian Polster (Research Team Sensomotorics II)
- Jesper Bellenbaum (Research Team Sensomotorics II)
- Daniel Lohmeier von Laer (Researach Team Sensomotorics II)
- Peter Schulz (Research Team Sensomotorics II)
- Linda Pfeiffer (Research Team Sensomotorics II)
- Om Shandilya Choudhary (Research Team Emotion)
- Syed Azaruddin (Research Team Emotion)
- René Richter (Research Team Emotion)
- René Larisch (Research Team Emotion)
- Alex Schwarz (Research Team Emotion)
- Jeannine Oertel (Research Team Emotion)
- Sascha Jüngel (Research Team Emotion)
- Muhammad Faisal Abbas (Research Team Emotion)
- Christian Ebner (Research Team Emotion)
- Robert Baruck (Research Team Emotion)
- Falko Thomale (Research Team Emotion)
- Karsta Kühnlein (Research Team Learning)
- Frank Siegel (Research Team Learning)
- Falk Süß (Research Team Learning)
- Julia Speckmann (Research Team Learning)
- Jenny Espig-Eierdanz (Research Team Learning)
- Heidi Tarkpea (Research Team Communication II)
- Julia Hellmich (Research Team Communication II)
- Marius Paul (Research Team Communication II)
- Till Feige (Research Team Communication II)
- Sophie Krüger (Research Team Communication II)
- Anna Pawlowsky (Research Team Communication II)
Research Interns
2015-2016 (Current Group)
2012-2015 (Former Group)
- Christian Achten (Research Team Sensomotorics I: Manipulation of Spatial Situation Models)
- Bea Gödecke (Research Team Sensomotorics I: Manipulation of Spatial Situation Models)
- Anne Frey (Research Team Sensomotorics I: Development and Validation of a Stereoscopic Ability Test)
- Marius Paul (Research Team Sensomotorics I: Development and Validation of a Stereoscopic Ability Test)
- Tina Schönleitner (Research Team Sensomotorics I: Empirical Validation and Replication of the Spatial Presence Process Model)
- Peter Schulz (Research Team Sensomotorics II: Biomechanical Analysis and Synthesis of Gesture Input)
- Pöllmann (Research Team Communication II: Applications of Multi-touch-tables)
- Linda Pfeiffer (Research Team Sensomotorics II: Intertwinements of Digital and Tangible Materialities within Cultural Contexts)
- Alexander Pöllmann (Research Team Communication II: Applications of Multi-touch-tables)
- Björn Nauman (Research Team Communication II: Applications of Multi-touch-tables)
- Daniel Trauf (Research Team Communication II: Applications of Multi-touch-tables)
- Maxwell Shinn (Research Team Emotion: Structural plasticity in learning neuronal models for object recognition, DAAD RISE internship)
- Onur Karaduman (Research Team Emotion: Simulation of neuronal agents in virtual reality)
- Lucas Keller (Research Team Emotion: Evaluation of Active Appearance Models for the recognition of facial expressions)
- Alex Schwarz (Research Team Emotion: Implementation and evaluation of q-learning in an agent for investigating the Prisoners – Dilemma enhanced with different emotional states, using the Virtual Human Toolkit)
- Winfried Lötzsch (Research Team Emotion: Influence of emotions on reinforcement learning processes within a virtual environment, BeLL, Winner “Jugend Forscht” Saxony (German youth science competition), special award “Jugend Forscht” Germany)
- Philipp Roscher (Research Team Emotion: Recognition of emotions from facial expressions, BeLL)
- Hauke Schulzki (Research Team Emotion: Recognition of emotions from facial expressions, BeLL)
- Yannik Augustin (Research Team Emotion: Development and Validation of an Agency Attribution Tendency Test)
- Kevin Pfeffel (Research Team Emotion: Development and Validation of an Agency Attribution Tendency Test)
- Anne Jäkel (Research Team Emotion: Effects of behavioral authenticity of emotional expressions)
- Annemarie Lennike (Research Team Emotion: Effects of behavioral authenticity of emotional expressions)