July 27, 2024 | Log in

Dr. Daniel Pietschmann

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Philosophische Fakultät
Institut für Medienforschung, Professur Medienpsychologie
Reichenhainer Straße 39, Zi. 012, 09126 Chemnitz

Tel. 0371 531-37693
Fax. 0371 531-837693
E-Mail: daniel.pietschmann@phil.tu-chemnitz.de


Dissertation Project

Spatial Mapping of Input, Content and Output Spaces in VE and Effects on Spatial Presence Experiences“(research area: sensomotor interaction)
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler (Chair of Media Psychology)
Tandem partner: Vincent Küszter, M.Sc.
Thesis defended on July 17th 2014


Research Interests

  • psychological and physical aspects of user experience
  • presence in virtual environments
  • Computer Game Studies
  • TV Studies and Transmedia Storytelling



  • ICA – International Communication Association (Divisions: Communication and Technology, Game Studies)
  • ECREA – European Communication Research and Education Association (Sections: Audience and Reception Studies, Television Studies, Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction, Digital Games Research)
  • DGPS – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (German Society for Psychology) (Section: Media Psychology)
  • ISPR – International Society for Presence Research


Awards and Honors

  • Best Paper Award, 7th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality 2015 [Link]
  • Reviewer of the Year 2014 (Journal of Media Psychology, JMP)
  • Faculty of Humanities Dissertation award 2014 [Fakultätspreis der Philosophischen Fakultät TU Chemnitz]


Reviewer Assignments

  • Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Media Psychology (JMP)
  • International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS)
  • Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft (M&K)
  • International Communication Association Annual Conference (Divisions CAT, IS, GS)
  • Conference of the Media Psychology Division (DGPs)



04/2015 – 12/2015 initial funding grant, DFG Graduate Program “Crossworlds”, Chemnitz University of Technology (Anschubfinanzierung)
07/2014 – 04/2015 Postdoctoral Researcher, DFG Graduate Program “Crossworlds”, Chemnitz University of Technology
04/2012 – 07/2014 PhD student, DFG Graduate Program “Crossworlds”, Chemnitz University of Technology
since 11/2008 Research Assistant and Junior Lecturer, Chair for Media Psychology, Chemnitz University of Technology (Prof. Dr. Ohler)
10/2006 – 10/2008 Master programme “Media and Communication (Medienkommunikation)”, Chemnitz University of Technology. Title of Masters’ Thesis: “Involvierung, Immersion und Engagement in Computerspielen. Eine Analyse des Immersionbegriffs als Konzept für die Beschreibung des Nutzer-Erlebens in virtuellen Umgebungen in Zusammenhang mit authentischen Eingabegeräten”
10/2003 – 10/2006 Bachelor programme “Media an Communication (Medienkommunikation)”, Chemnitz University of Technology. Title of Bachelors’ Thesis: “MMOGs: Von der Spielwirklichkeit zur Alltagsrealität”



Please refer to this website for the most recent list of publications.