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Kevin Koban

Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Media Research
Chair of Media Psychology
Reichenhainer Str. 70, Room 313
09126 Chemnitz, Germany

Phone: +49 371 531-36316
Email: kevin.koban {at} phil.tu-chemnitz.de

Dissertation Project

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler
Research area: Sensomotorics


Research Interests

  • Mental Models
  • Digital Game Studies
  • Social Media: Online Relationship Maintenance, Incivility, POPC
  • Media Effects: Self-Regulation, Parasocial Relationships
  • Evolutionary (Media) Psychology


Curriculum Vitae

Date Position
 10/2009–02/2013 Media and Communication, Bachelor of Arts, Chemnitz University of Technology
 04/2011–10/2014 Student Assistant, Chair of Media Psychology, Chemnitz University of Technology
 10/2012–10/2014 Media and Communication, Master of Arts, Chemnitz University of Technology
 11/2014– Research Assistant, Chair of Media Psychology, Chemnitz University of Technology
 02/2017–04/2017 Visiting Scholar, Department of Communication Studies, West Virginia University

Academic Memberships

  • ICA – International Communication Association (sections: Communication and Technology, Game Studies, Information Systems, Instructional/Developmental Communication, Interpersonal Communication)
  • ECREA – European Communication Research and Education Association (sections: Audience and Reception Studies, Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction, Digital Games Research)
  • DGPs – German Psychological Society (section: Media Psychology)

Awards and Achievements

  • Best Student Paper (together with Jonathan Biehl), Game Studies Divison, ICA Annual Conference 2018
  • Best Faculty Paper (together with Evan R. Watts, Nicholas D. Bowman, Jennifer Knight, and Andrew L. Nicholson), Game Studies Divison, ICA Annual Conference 2018
  • Best Student Paper (together with Peter Ohler), Game Studies Division, ICA Annual Conference 2016


Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Koban, K., Breuer, J., Rieger, D., Mohseni, M.R., Noack, S., Bente, G., & Ohler, P. (accepted, 2018). Playing for the thrill and skill. Quiz games as means for mood and competence repair. Media Psychology. Online Advanced Publication. doi:10.1080/15213269.2018.1515637
  • Koban, K., Stein, J.-P., Eckhardt, V, & Ohler, P. (2018). Quid pro quo in Web 2.0. Connecting personality traits and Facebook usage intensity to uncivil commenting intentions in public online discussions. Computers in Human Behavior, 79,  9–18. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.10.015
  • Koban, K. & Krüger, S. (2018). Out of sight, (not yet) out of mind. The impact of tie strength on direct interaction and social surveillance among geographically close and long-distance Facebook friends. Communication Research Reports, 35, 74–84. doi:10.1080/08824096.2017.1383235
  • Koban, K. & Ohler, P. (2016). Ladies, know yourselves! Gentlemen, fool yourselves! Evolved self-promotion traits as predictors for promiscuous sexual behavior in both sexes. Personality and Individual Differences, 92, 11-15. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.11.056

Book Chapters and Proceedings

  • Liebold, B., Koban, K., & Ohler, P. (accepted, 2018). Evolution of Play: Playing Video Games between Biological Imperatives and a Pretend-Mode of Thinking. In Breuer, J., Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B., & Lange, B.P. (Eds.), Evolutionary Psychology and Digital Games: Digital Hunter-Gatherers. London: Routledge.
  • Koban, K. (accepted, 2018). Natural born virtual killers. Towards an integrated model on the appeal of violent video games. In Breuer, J., Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B., & Lange, B.P. (Eds.), Evolutionary Psychology and Digital Games: Digital Hunter-Gatherers. London: Routledge.
  • Gawin, W., Fries, U., Zwingmann, K., Gaudel, J., Stein, J.-P., Koban, K., & Kühnlein, K. (2018). Blickstrategien von Badmintonspielerinnen und -spielern der nationalen Spitze unter Belastung. In Bundesministerium für Sportwissenschaft (Eds.), BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2016/17 (pp. 285– 289). Hellenthal: Sportverlag Strauß.
  • Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B. & Koban, K. (accepted, 2016). The Presence of Repeated Exposure: Longitudinal Effects on Presence during a Nine-week Video Game Training Study. Proceedings of ISPR 2016, June 8, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Koban, K. & Ohler, P. (2016). Dispositionale Tendenzen als evolvierte psychologische Mechanismen der SelbstdarstellungIn Hennighausen, C., Lange, B. P., & Schwab, F. (Eds.), Evolution des Sozialen (pp. 102-117). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
  • Liebold, B., Koban, K., & Ohler, P. (2015). Newbies, Start your Engines. Virtual Motor Skill Training and True Transfer. In Huff, M. & Utz, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the DGPs Media Psychology Division, September 9-11, Tübingen, Germany, 2015 (p. 30). Tübingen: University of Tübingen. doi: 10.15496/publikation-6102.
  • Koban, K., Liebold, B., & Ohler, P. (2015). Good Newbie or Poor Newbie? Determinants of Video Game Skill Acquisition at an Early Stage. In Zaphiris, P. & Ioannou, A. (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. First International Conference, LCT 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015 (pp. 608 – 619), Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-20609-7_57

Conference Contributions

  • Koban, K., Thieme, J.S., & Heins, C.-M. (2018). Parasocial Recreation. Parasocial Relationships with Liked and Disliked Media Personae as a Source for Physical and Social Well-Being. Paper to be presented at 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 24–28, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Koban, K. & Biehl, J. (2018). It depends on how you play! Examining video games’ efficiency as a coping tool for distressing life situations. Paper to be presented at 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 24–28, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Koban, K., Kapp, S., Krieger, S., Druzhkov, M., & Pietschmann, D. (2018). As time goes by. Exploring the dynamic nature of avatar characterization and player-avatar relationships in traditional role-playing games. Paper to be presented at 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 24–28, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Watts, E.R., Bowman, N.D, Koban, K., Knight, J., Nicholson, A.L. (2018). Game Streaming and Digital Audiences: Awareness, Without Closeness. Paper to be presented at 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 24–28, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Koban, K. & Büchel, I. (2017). Don’t wanna miss a thing. Differentiating effects of instant messaging features on social well-being. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, September 6–8, Landau, Germany.
  • Schieferbein, A., Koban, K, & Ohler, P. (2017). Examining the influence of porn genre and trait aggressiveness on harmful effects of online pornography. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, September 6–8, Landau, Germany.
  • Koban, K., Breuer, J., Mohseni, M.R., & Noack, S. (2017). Who wants to have more than mood repair? Quiz games as mood and competence boosters. Paper to presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 25–29, San Diego, USA.
  • Koban, K., Stein, J.-P., & Eckhardt, V. (2017). Haters gonna hate. Connecting personality traits and usage intensity to dysfunctional commenting in Facebook discussions. Paper to presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 25–29, San Diego, USA.
  • Koban, K. (2017). It’s about time! Action video games’ demand of cognitive skills during prolonged periods of gaming. Paper presented at the 2017 Broadcast Education Association research symposium “Video Games: A Medium That Demands Our Attention”, April 23, Las Vegas, USA.
  • Koban, K. & Müller, N. H. (2016). Putting the active in noninteractive. Entertainment experiences and its self-regulatory consequences in a cognitively challenging television format. Paper presented at the 6th ECC ECREA Conference, November 9–12, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Krüger, S., Koban, K., & Belentschikow, V. (2016). Out of sight, out of mind? Effects of tie strength and residential separation on relationship maintenance behaviors on Facebook. Paper presented at the 6th ECC ECREA Conference, November 9–12, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Koban, K. & Ohler, P. (2016). I hate it, but I can’t stop. Addictive tendencies as a mediator for negative game experience in a mobile trivia game. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, June 9–13, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Koban, K., Valtin, G., & Rogenz, S. (2016). Guilty pleasures? Determining the effectiveness of entertaining micro breaks for recreational purposes. Poster presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, June 9–13, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Zurbrügg, E., Schüppel, V., & Koban, K. (2016). Did the Joker play aggressive video games? A two-wave cross-lagged panel analysis of the relation between aggressive video game play, trait aggressiveness, and psychopathy. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, June 9-13, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Winkler, L. & Koban, K. (2016). Mirror, mirror on the wall. The impact of mediated attractiveness priming on individuals’ self-esteem. Poster presented at the 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), March 21-23, Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Koban, K., Heid, A., & Ohler, P. (2016). Love the way you lie. Der Einfluss des Geschlechts und der soziosexuellen Orientierung auf die Akzeptabilität von Täuschungsverhalten in der Partnerwerbung [Love the way you lie. Sex-specific influence patterns of sociosexual mating orientation on acceptance of deception in human courtship]. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the MVE list (Human Behavior in Evolutionary Perspective), March 16-18, Berlin, Germany.
  • Liebold, B., Koban, K., & Ohler, P. (2015a). How to Become a Race Driver at Home. The Effects of Authentic Input Devices and Simulation Accuracy on Motor Skill Learning and Real World Transfer. Paper presented at ICA Annual Conference 2015, May 21-25, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • Koban, K. & Ohler, P. (2015). Zwischen Wahrheit und Lüge. Die Bedeutung evolvierter Selbstdarstellungsstrategien auf das Partnerwahlverhalten von Männern und Frauen [Between Honesty and Deceit. The Impact of Evolved Self-Presentation Strategies on Mating Choice in Men and Women]. Paper presented at 15th Annual Conference of the MVE list (Human Behavior in Evolutionary Perspective), March 14-16, Würzburg, Germany.
  • Liebold, B., Koban, K., & Pietschmann, D. (2014). Are Gamers Good Race Car Drivers? Transfer of Prior Experience to Game-Based Learning Scenarios. Paper presented at ECC ECREA Pre-Conference: Games and Society. From Social Interaction to Social Change?, November 11, Lisbon, Portugal.


  • Liebold, B. & Koban, K. (2016). Learn to Play or Play to Learn? Immersive Technologies and Knowledge Transfer. Invited talk, University of Luxembourg
  • Koban, K. (2015). Book review on Claudia Wilhelm (2015). Digitales Spielen als Handeln in Geschlechterrollen. Eine Untersuchung zu Selektion, Motiven, Genrepräferenzen und Spielverhalten [Digital gaming as acting within gender roles. An examination of selection, motivations, genre preferences, and playing behavior]Publizistik, 60(, 468–469. doi: 10.1007/s11616-015-0244-6