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Posts Tagged ‘media psychology’

Thank you for your inspiring talks, Dr. Latoschik and Dr. Bowman!

Dr. Bowman's talk

Dr. Bowman’s talk

2015 - 06 - CrossWorlds Latoschik-001

Prof. Dr. Latoschik’s talk

We had a great time with our guests Prof. Dr. Marc Erich Latoschik and Associate Prof. Dr. Nicholas Bowman and hope they too did enjoy their visit in Chemnitz. Their talks were well attended from both students and colleagues from other departments, so we will continue to invite researchers to share their thoughts and work. Besides social activities in small groups, the workshops offered yet another chance to discuss research within the complete group of CrossWorld members. The exhange of new ideas already resulted in the beginning of new research collaborations which we are very much looking forward to!

You can download the slides from Dr. Bowmans talk here (PDF, 1,5 Mbyte).


Invited talk by Nicholas David Bowman on July 1st

nickAnother great researcher will find his way to Chemnitz in two weeks! After Prof. Latoschik, we are very happy to have Dr. Nicholas David Bowman at CrossWorlds from June 30th to July 1st. The next installment of our series of talks on “Interdisciplinary Research on Social Technologies” features Dr. Bowman with his talk “Achtung! The Technology Demands Your Attention (And We Demand the Same)” on July 1st, 9.00-11.00 a.m. in Room 2/N010 (Neues Hörsaalgebäude). He will discuss recent research on the notion of “demand” in virtual systems, focusing specifically on how the study of video games (as simulations of human behavior and interaction) can help us better understand “demand” in terms of its cognitive, affective, behavior, and social dimensions.

Again, CrossWorlds invites all interested students and university staff to attend the talk. Please spread the word!

You can read the abstract of the talk and a short bio of Dr. Bowman after the jump.

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New book available: Spatial Mapping in virtuellen Umgebungen

thesis-coverThe dissertation thesis from Dr. Daniel Pietschmann has been published by Springer in their new psychology research line. The book is written in German and constitues a revised version of the original thesis, concentrating on the theory and implications of spatial information and its use in virtual environments for entertainment or learning purposes.

The book also features an extensive review of cognitive UX concepts and studies on stereoscopy and natural mapping and is aimed at scholars in the fields of psychology, communication studies and human computer interaction as well as designers of virtual environments. It is available as softcover print or eBook via SpringerLink (and thus it’s free for many universities), Amazon and other retailers.


8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society, Sept. 4–6

Last week, CrossWorlds fellows Benny Liebold and Daniel Pietschmann went to Würzburg  to present research papers with their respective working groups on “Emotionally Neutral Cues in Virtual Agent’s Expressive Behavior Impair Recognition of Emotions in Other Modalities” (Liebold) and “Effects of Video Game GUIs on the Construction of Rich Spatial Situation Models and Spatial Presence” (based on the Masters Thesis of and presented by Steve Nebel) at the 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society. Further talks included “Social Interaction in Massively Multiplayer Online Games: An Evolutionary Perspective” (Pietschmann), “No Evidence for Persuasion Effects of Emotional Advertisement on Attitudes towars Social Groups – The Case of Ageism” (Liebold) and “Gaze Path Analysis of Differences in Task Related Perception of Data Visualization” (Müller). Daniel also participated in the PhD Workshop the day before the conference.

We had a great time at the lab of Prof. Frank Schwab and colleagues in Würzburg and thank the organizers for putting together a great conference for the Media Psychology Division this year.