March 12, 2025 | Log in

International Summer Workshop on E?Learning, Embedded Systems and International Cooperation from July 17th-19th

During the workshop three members of the Crossworlds team presented their contributions in the field of computer engineering and E-Learning. In addition to these presentations of Anke Tallig, Kai-Uwe Martin and Madlen Wuttke from Technische Universität Chemnitz, the conference benefited greatly from contributions of researchers from Russia’s Novosibirsk State Technical University, Mongolia’s University of Science and Technology as well as researchers from India. Dr. Valerie Ruhe from Canada gave a keynote on ‚Evaluation in Distance Education and E-Learning: The Unfolding Model‘ which tied in very well with the Crossworld’s contributions ‚Mobile Learning‘, ‚Robotic Edutainers‘, and ‚Pro-Active Pedagogical Agents‘. All presented talks will be published in the upcoming conference proceedings, while the preparations for the International Summer Workshop in 2014 have already begun.

We thank the organizing committee, chaired by the IBS Foundation and the department of Computer Engineering by Prof. Dr. Hardt, for the enjoyable working environment and the opportunity to participate in the inspiring discussions.



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