January 15, 2025 | Log in

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Posts by rothe

CrossWorlds at birthday party ;)

Tomorrow, November 12th, our colleagues Benedikt and Ingmar will celebrate the 25th anniversary of one of CrossWorlds most important cooperation partners, the Chemnitz Museum of Industry. Visitors are asked to test our newest tabletop application that combines a solid interface with mobile devices like smartphones or tablets. Read more: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/uk/pressestelle/aktuell/1/7638 or http://web.saechsisches-industriemuseum.com and join us!


CrossWorlds at the URPP Summer School ‚Language and Space‘ in Kloster Kappel (CH)


The perfect place to think and talk about language and space.

Combining various methods and perspectives within a research project is an ambitious approach – one that we take very seriously. From September 4th to 9th, CrossWorlds joined the summer school of the URPP “Language and Space” at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Due to the relatively small participant group, we were able to work very productively through each of the three daily sessions. A great selection of invited scholars introduced us to their different angles and methodological approaches in dealing with virtual, social, and physical space. In the end, we wrapped it up into a large picture of relationships and differences between the discussed concepts. In order to give an overview of their current research every participant performed a pecha kucha at Tuesday and Thursday night. These sessions have been highlights of the week.
It seems very likely that this summer school served as a great kickoff for further collaborations and thought processes. Apart from enjoying the sun and the surroundings in Kappel am Albis, the event certainly inspired new insights into our data; reminding us that research is an amazing thing, being demanding and fun at the same time.

Thanks a lot to Prof. Dr. Andreas Jucker and his colleagues who made this event happen.


CrossWorlds at the ICC


The participants of the ICC 2016 © Stadt Fulda

The International Colloquium on Communication (ICC) was founded in 1968 and takes place every other year. It’s general aim is to discuss new results of research on communication. CrossWorlds is glad on having been part of the 2016th edition, wich took place in Fulda last week. This year’s specific focus was ‘communication and tragedy‘. Our fellow Ingmar presented a paper titled “The escape button as the only way out – when human-computer-interaction breaks down” as a spotlight on his current research.

A specific feature of the ICC is it’s small size with only about 25 participants. This year, 20 scholars from the U.S. and Europe met in Fulda from July 24th to 29th. Due to that we had plenty of time for enlightening discussions from various angles.


Andreas Bischof successfully defended his PhD on the Epistemic Culture of Social Robotics


from left to right: Rector Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier, Prof. Dr. Claudia Fraas, Dr. des. Andreas Bischof, Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler

Hopefully, this week starts as fabulous as last week ended. On Friday, July 15th, our CrossWorlds fellow Andreas Bischof successfully defended his PhD thesis. Andreas gave an exciting talk about his work, titled “How do social robots become social?” (full title: “Wie kommt die Robotik zum Sozialen? Epistemische Praktiken der Sozialrobotik”).

The commission was very impressed and the defence ended with standing ovations for Andreas and his excellent work. So, take a look at the picture: Who do you think is the proudest?

Andreas will continue his work at the TU Chemnitz as a member of the project “Nebeneinander wird Miteinander“.

Congratulations from the whole CrossWorlds team, Andreas!