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Posts by Kai-Uwe Martin

E-Learn 2013


Keynote speech of E-Learn 2013

Organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education the 18th international E-Learn World Conference “E-Learn 2013” took place from October 21th – 24th in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The annual conference serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of information on research, development, and applications of all topics related to e-Learning in the Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education sectors. Kai-Uwe Martin of CrossWorlds’ Learning tandem presented his work
“Delivering complex learning content on mobile devices” as well as the general concept and idea of CrossWorlds. Highlights of the conference were the keynote by Roderick Sims of the University of Southern Queensland, Australia “The E-Learning Wars: The Force and the Dark Side!” and the first gathering of the special interest group “E-Learning Trends and Innovations (ELTI)”. During the conference and the workshops very controversial views on the current role of e-learning and of the emerge of trends like personal learning and open learning have been expressed and discussed which was possible thanks to the open atmosphere of the conference and certain degree of professionalism kept by all participants.


Cooperation Day – “Business meets Science”

On September 5th the IBS Cooperation Day – “Business meets Science” took place at the IBS Foundation in Laubusch / Lusatia in Germany which was founded to improve the computer science collaboration in Saxony and across it’s country borders. The event chaired by Prof. Hardt of the Computer Engineering department in Chemnitz took place in a reworked coal production management building. Anke Tallig and Kai-Uwe Martin of our research training group presented the general concept of “CrossWorlds” and the project “Mediator – Ambassador in mixed reality” to an interested audience of scientific colleagues and representatives of companies and politics, most notably Saxony’s prime minister Stanislaw Tillich who showed a special interest in the interdisciplinary aspect.

IBS Cooperation Day

IBS Cooperation Day


Presentation of CrossWorlds

Through conversation with other researchers, e. g. the robotics team of Prof. Böhme of Dresden University of Applied Sciences that works in areas like environment modeling, self-localization, and person perception and
various other scientists our different approaches to human machine interaction were analyzed. Chances and risks of the current technologies and future potential of our work were discussed and personal connections