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Posts by Vincent Küszter

Cyberworlds 2014

Group Picture CyberWorlds 2014

Group Picture CyberWorlds 2014

The Cyberworlds 2014 conference was held in Santander, Spain on October 6th to 8th.
Our collegiate Vincent attended and held presented his paper “Exploring Stereoscopic Multi-User Interaction with Individual Views”. The conference focused on cyberworlds and all related issues, including (but not limited to) computer graphics, shape modeling, user interfaces, virtual worlds, multimodal interaction and rendering, computer vision for augmented and mixed reality, multiplayer online games, social and affective computing, and cognitive informatics.

There were two invited speakers, Prof. Tomoyuki Nishita (University of Tokyo & Hiroshima Shudo University, JAPAN) with his talk “Shading Models for Extended/Environmental Light Sources” and Prof. Jian Jun Zhang (National Center for Computer Animation & Bournemouth University, UK) with “Virtual Human Characters and their Roles in Scientific Research”.

Both talks and the papers presented by the other scientists were very interesting and relevant to both CrossWorlds and other projects at the university.


Guest lecture by Greg Welch

On June 6th, Professor Greg Welch, Ph.D. was giving a guest lecture on “Physical-Virtual Humans for Training and Teleportation”.

Greg Welch is a Research Professor in the Institute for Simulation & Training and the Computer Science division of EECS at The University of Central Florida. In 1986 he received a degree in Electrical Technology from Purdue University (with Highest Distinction), and in 1996 a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to coming to UCF, Welch was a Research Professor at UNC, he worked on the Voyager Spacecraft Project at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and on airborne electronic countermeasures at Northrop-Grumman’s Defense Systems Division.

His current research interests include virtual and augmented reality, human tracking systems, 3D telepresence, computer vision, and stochastic estimation. He has co-authored over 60 publications in these areas, and is a co-inventor on multiple patents. He has co-chaired conferences, workshops, and seminars; served on numerous international program committees; and is an Associate Editor for the journal Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. He maintains an internationally-recognized web site dedicated to the Kalman filter. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.


4th Augmented Human International Conference 2013

Thad Starner

Thad Starner, wearing Google Glass on the 4th Augmented Human Conference 2013 in Stuttgart

The collegiate Vincent attended the 4th Augmented Human 2013, which took place in Stuttgart, Germany, on March 7 and 8. The conference focused on augmenting human capabilities through technology, seeking to improve human life. The keynote was held by Thad Starner, pioneer in wearable computing and Technical Lead/Manager on Google’s Project Glass. He talked about his work leading to Google Glass and some other hardware they invented, like a glove that can help people learning to play piano without having to pay attention. It was also interesting to hear how he started decades ago when wearable computers were only bulky prototypes, which he wore on a daily basis in his personal life.

All the presented papers detailed interesting concepts, like a camera in a football that generates a bird’s eye view when thrown, manipulation of emotional response by slightly changing the user’s reflection in a mirror or a system for gait rehabilitation for Parkinson’s patients. The whole conference was very inspiring and everyone agreed they were glad that they attended. The 5th Conference 2014 will be held in Kobe, Japan and our Collegiate hopes to attend again next year.