February 10, 2025 | Log in


CrossWorlds retreat at IBS Laubusch

CW Laubusch

CrossWorlds team at IBS Laubusch

To consolidate their dissertation topics and further develop existing cooperation ideas, members of the current group of CrossWorlds researchers and their supervisors met in conclave at the IBS (international centre of computer science and encounters) in Lauta-Laubusch from November 9th to 10th. Topics and ideas were first discussed vividly in plenum, and afterwards refined in interdisciplinary study groups. Prospective cooperation projects deal for instance with joint educational and linguistic multi-user settings at shared haptic devices, moral dilemmas in virtual reality or novel applications of facial recognition parameters. Altogether, we spent two busy days filled with intense conversations and focussed work that really brought forward our ideas!


New staff profiles available!

As already announced within the last post, our staff pages have been updated with information about the current group of graduate researchers.

If you want to know more about the computer scientists Maria Barlag, Benedikt Etzold, Tobias Höppner, René Richter and René Schmidt and the social scientists Kevin Koban, Stefan Pichelmann, Ingmar Rothe, Alexander Skulmowski, Jan-Philipp Stein and Maria Wirzberger, you are welcome to visit our profiles.

In case you are interested in our projects, please feel free to contact us!


Second group of researchers starting their studies at CrossWorlds


The CrossWorlds team of researchers during the workshop on April 22nd, 2015

On April 1st, the second group of researchers started their studies at CrossWorlds. The nine new colleagues now work in the offices at Reichenhainer Str. 70 as the previous group moved out. All of the twelve researchers of the first group are still working at CrossWorlds, but are now officially associated members.

During a one-day workshop on April 22nd, the CrossWorlds veterans passed the baton to their new colleagues. Two additional graduates start their work at CrossWorlds today, and another researcher will join in june, bringing the number of the second group also up to twelve.

We enthusiastically look forward to yet another three years filled with fruitful discussions, interdisciplinary exchange and exciting publications!

The staff pages will be updated very soon with the profiles of the second group of researchers.


Submission deadline extended to April 14, 2015

Several authors asked us if we could extend the submission deadline so they could finish up their submission properly. You ask – we listen. The new submission deadline is April 14, 2015. We are still looking forward to your submissions!

Link to CfP: http://crossworlds.info/call-for-papers/


Call for Papers: Special issue on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Technologies

icom-coverWe are inviting submissions to the i-com Journal on Interactive and Cooperative Media for a special issue on “Interdisciplinary approaches to social technologies”. This issue will be guest-edited by Maximilian Eibl, Peter Ohler, and Daniel Pietschmann. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. The submission deadline is March 31, 2015. We are looking forward to your submissions!

Link to full version of the Call: http://crossworlds.info/call-for-papers/


Guest Reseacher Kiyoshi Kiyokawa talks AR Technology

Dr. Kiyoshi Kiyokawa visited CrossWorlds on december 11th and gave two very inspiring talks about Head Mounted Display Technologies for Augmented Reality and Future Directions of Augmented Reality Display Technologies. Besides the crossworlds team, the audience also included interested colleagues from other departments as well as many students.

We thank all helpers, especially for the catering and tech support. Furthermore a big thank you to the VR/ AR team members Peter Schulz, Florian Polster, Daniel Lohmeier von Laer and Jesper Bellenbaum.


The MOOC with additional learning materials will be available as soon as possible. For further information please contact Crossworlds Member Steve Funke. Abstracts for the talks can be found after the jump.

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ComforTable @ ITS 2014 Dresden

From 16th-19th of november the ACM conference for Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS) took place in Dresden. Besides the lectures the event included a poster & demo session, in which CrossWorlds members Michael Storz and Kalja Kanellopoulos presented their second tabletop ‘comforTable’.
One of the highlights of the conference was Joachim Sauter’s closing keynote. In his inspiring presentation the director of the renowned design agency ART+COM gave insights in their magnificent work with interactive surfaces and showed a number of best practice examples. Concerning the development of new technologies he emphasized: “If you work with technologies you can only predict the future if you work interdisciplinary. People have to be open to leave their fields and work together with others.” Furthermore Sauter stressed the narrative potential of interactive surfaces, linking interaction design to composition and poetry. Putting the importance of briefing and re-briefing during the process of technological development into focus, he pointed out: “All of our ideas are already in our minds. You just have to open the door.”

ComforTable @ITS2014 demo session


Let´s follow the 27th ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium


The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) is the premier forum for innovations in human-computer interfaces.

Sponsored by ACM special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH), UIST brings together people from diverse areas including graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input & output devices, and CSCW.

The intimate size and intensive program made UIST an ideal opportunity to exchange research results and ideas.


The closing keynote is from Bret Victor. He was talking about the “Humane Representation of Thought: A Trail Map for the 21st Century.


Cyberworlds 2014

Group Picture CyberWorlds 2014

Group Picture CyberWorlds 2014

The Cyberworlds 2014 conference was held in Santander, Spain on October 6th to 8th.
Our collegiate Vincent attended and held presented his paper “Exploring Stereoscopic Multi-User Interaction with Individual Views”. The conference focused on cyberworlds and all related issues, including (but not limited to) computer graphics, shape modeling, user interfaces, virtual worlds, multimodal interaction and rendering, computer vision for augmented and mixed reality, multiplayer online games, social and affective computing, and cognitive informatics.

There were two invited speakers, Prof. Tomoyuki Nishita (University of Tokyo & Hiroshima Shudo University, JAPAN) with his talk “Shading Models for Extended/Environmental Light Sources” and Prof. Jian Jun Zhang (National Center for Computer Animation & Bournemouth University, UK) with “Virtual Human Characters and their Roles in Scientific Research”.

Both talks and the papers presented by the other scientists were very interesting and relevant to both CrossWorlds and other projects at the university.


Exhibition MS Wissenschaft closes with 90.000 visitors

Exhibitionship MS Wissenschaft @Linz,Austria

MS Wissenschaft @Linz,Austria

September 28th the exhibition “Digital Unterwegs” on the ship MS Wissenschaft finally came to an end. In total it had 90.000 visitors, among them 480 school classes. The ship stopped in 38 german and austrian cities.

CrossWorlds researchers Kalja Kanellopoulos and Michael Storz contributed a multitouch table with applications for up to six players. The support staff reported us that the table was one of the most loved and most used exhibits in the exhibition. They also stated that the exhibit fostered interaction between people who didn’t know each other before and that despite its heavy usage the exhibit was still one of the easiest to maintain. On two of the last stops in Deggendorf and Regensburg we were able to conduct a user study, which will give us further insights into the mechanics and courses of action of playful tabletop collaboration.

Despite the fact, that we are still working on the detailled results of our study, it became clear, that this project was a great success and all the hard work and support for this exhibition was worthwhile.

The table is now in refurnishment and will be presented on November 17th at the Demosession at the ACM ITS conference in Dresden.