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Michael Heidt

Posts Tagged ‘Michael Heidt’

Crossworlds @ Studentische Medientage Chemnitz

On April 25th and 26th the 10th Studentische Medientage took place at the new auditorium building (NHG) at Technische Universität Chemnitz. In accordance with this year’s theme ‘Get Connected!’ numerous communication professionals discussed the importance of networking in lectures and workshops.

Once again the CrossWorlds team supported the conference by displaying their research projects. Amongst other examples, the second prototype table platform of Kalja Kanellopoulos and Michael Storz, presenting a card game and a game of Pong, was open to public experimentation. Currently, their second table is aboard the ship ‘MS Wissenschaft’ and travels across the rivers of Germany. Furthermore, Michael Heidt preseted a join
t human-computer exploration device and Anke Tallig tested the detection capabilities of non-verbal communication behavior by her new robot-guide installation.

And in addition to the professional audiences, the mentoring program ‘Girl’s Tandem’ visited the symposium and interacted with the various exhibitions from CrossWorlds.

The ‘Studentischen Medientage‘ are developed and organized solely by students of the Institute for Media Research at the Technische Universität Chemnitz but nevertheless established itself as a networking platform for other students and media professionals across Germany. This annual conference, established in 2005, meanwhile attracts more than 500 visitors from science and practice, in order to discuss media-relevant developments, new media perspectives and ideas.



Mensch und Computer 2013

This years edition of Germany’s primary conference on human computer interaction “Mensch und Computer” took place in bremen with high involvement of CrossWorlds’ researchers. Since the conference character emphasizes interdisciplinary exchange between academics, practioners, computer scientists, UX designers and social sientists several of our research fellows participated actively in the event.

(C) by

(C) by

Andreas Bischof and Benny Liebold organized a workshop on methodological approaches to HCI, where Kalja Kanellopoulos and Michael Storz presented their multitouch table for multiple users (Kanellopoulos, Storz 2013, in press). A very interesting discussion about the outlines of a possible mutual methodology for both computer scientists and designers / social scientists was initiated by Michael Heidt‘s talk (Heidt 2013, in press). The main talking points can be understood in two (german-language) blog posts. One is pointing out the question, how qualitative data and results can be communicated more compatible for HCI projects, the other sums up a discussion on interdisciplinary communication around code between computer scientists. A literally visionary (and entertaining) submission from TU Chemnitz researchers beyond that was the visual computing group‘s video on a possible HCI avatar tool in the shape of cuddly toys.


HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, July 21–26


This July the CrossWorlds fellows Anke Tallig, Michael Heidt and Michael Storz presented their paper submissions at the HCI International 2013 Conference in Las Vegas. With its two different thematic areas and nine affiliated conferences the conference had a very broad scope on many different aspects of human computer interaction. The large amount of submissions (1666 Papers and 303 Posters) gave attendees the opportunity to choose between many parallel sessions.

HCII'13 Keynote by Hiroshi Ishii

HCII’13 Keynote by Hiroshi Ishii

Anke Tallig presented on her work Border Crosser A Robot As Mediator Between Virtual and Real WorldMichael Heidt his contribution Examining Interdisciplinary Prototyping in the Context of Cultural Communication and Michael Storz his work Annotate Train Evaluate. A Unified Tool for the Analysis and Visualization of Workflows in Machine Learning Applied to Object Detection and A Support Framework for Automated Video and Multimedia Workflows for Production and Archive for his college Robert Manthey.