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Posts Tagged ‘Talk’

Aaron Marcus

On 8th of october Mr. Aaron Marcus followed our invitation to Chemnitz where he held a talk about “Mobile User-Experience Design”. Aaron Marcus is President of Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc. (AM+A), in Berkeley, California, and an internationally known expert in mobile user-experience design, mobile persuasion design, information design, visualization and cross-cultural design. His talk focused on recent developments in mobile products and services and illustrated some current trends of mobile UX. In the second part of the talk Marcus gave insights in his inspiring work on persuasion design. The talk was recorded and edited by the Media Informatics tv studio.

After the talk our fellow researchers Michael Storz and Kalja Kanellopoulos and Mr. Marcus had the opportunity to get into a fruitful discussion about their work with tabletops and their applications.


Mensch und Computer 2013

This years edition of Germany’s primary conference on human computer interaction “Mensch und Computer” took place in bremen with high involvement of CrossWorlds’ researchers. Since the conference character emphasizes interdisciplinary exchange between academics, practioners, computer scientists, UX designers and social sientists several of our research fellows participated actively in the event.

(C) by dm@tzi.de

(C) by dm@tzi.de

Andreas Bischof and Benny Liebold organized a workshop on methodological approaches to HCI, where Kalja Kanellopoulos and Michael Storz presented their multitouch table for multiple users (Kanellopoulos, Storz 2013, in press). A very interesting discussion about the outlines of a possible mutual methodology for both computer scientists and designers / social scientists was initiated by Michael Heidt‘s talk (Heidt 2013, in press). The main talking points can be understood in two (german-language) blog posts. One is pointing out the question, how qualitative data and results can be communicated more compatible for HCI projects, the other sums up a discussion on interdisciplinary communication around code between computer scientists. A literally visionary (and entertaining) submission from TU Chemnitz researchers beyond that was the visual computing group‘s video on a possible HCI avatar tool in the shape of cuddly toys.


Workshop on HRI

K. Dautenhahn & CrossWorlds Fellows

Friday the 3th of May we had the pleasure to welcome Prof. Kerstin Dautenhan in Chemnitz for a talk on Challenges in human Robot Interaction. Kerstin Dautenhahn is Professor of Artificial Intelligence in the School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Technology and Creative Arts at University of Hertfordshire. There she is coordinator of the Adaptive Systems Research Group with the main areas of research in Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, Socially Intelligent Agents and Artificial Life. In her talk on challenges in Human-Robot Interaction she gave plenty examples of robots and scenarios the Adaptive Systems Research Group created.

Kerstin Dautenhahn is former member of the Department of Biological Cybernetics at University of Bielefeld, Germany, 1990-1993, and AI-Lab at GMD (now Fraunhofer), Sankt Augustin, Germany, 1993-1996, and VUB Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Brussels, Belgium. In April 2000 she joined the Department of Computer Science (now School of Computer Science) at University of Hertfordshire as Principal Lecturer. She got promoted to full Professor in 2003. We are very happy that she joined her rich experiences in interdisciplinary research – she joined Robotics as a studied Biologist – afterwards with some of our PhDs.

Further information about Kerstin Dautenhahn can be found on her Website.