February 23, 2025 | Log in


International Summer Workshop on E?Learning, Embedded Systems and International Cooperation from July 17th-19th

During the workshop three members of the Crossworlds team presented their contributions in the field of computer engineering and E-Learning. In addition to these presentations of Anke Tallig, Kai-Uwe Martin and Madlen Wuttke from Technische Universität Chemnitz, the conference benefited greatly from contributions of researchers from Russia’s Novosibirsk State Technical University, Mongolia’s University of Science and Technology as well as researchers from India. Dr. Valerie Ruhe from Canada gave a keynote on ‚Evaluation in Distance Education and E-Learning: The Unfolding Model‘ which tied in very well with the Crossworld’s contributions ‚Mobile Learning‘, ‚Robotic Edutainers‘, and ‚Pro-Active Pedagogical Agents‘. All presented talks will be published in the upcoming conference proceedings, while the preparations for the International Summer Workshop in 2014 have already begun.

We thank the organizing committee, chaired by the IBS Foundation and the department of Computer Engineering by Prof. Dr. Hardt, for the enjoyable working environment and the opportunity to participate in the inspiring discussions.


Conference “Games, Cognition, and Emotion”

Daniel PietschmannBenny LieboldLast week, Benny Liebold and Daniel Pietschmann gave invited talks at the Games, Cognition, and Emotion Conference 2013 in Hamburg. Their contributions on States of Mind Are Not Merely Cognitive Phenomena: The Link Between Emotion and Focused Attention Allocation During Gameplay and Spatial Mapping of Input and Output Spaces in Video Games both concentrated on theoretical questions and foundations of their work at Crossworlds. Both talks were followed by positive and insightful discussions with conference participants from different research backgrounds. We thank the organizers, especially Felix Schröter from the Research Center for Media & Communication, for making us part of a great conference.


DFG Research Training Groups meet in Dagstuhl

Michael Storz presents his work at Dagstuhl Castle

Michael Storz presents his work at Dagstuhl Castle

From Mai 26th to Mai 29th 2013 the DFG Research Training Groups in Computer Science met in Dagstuhl Castle. About 70 Professors and PhD-Students of 15 RTGs participated. This annual meeting takes place in Dagstuhl since 2007. The general idea of the meeting is to support networking between the young researchers. The RTGs presented their work and discussed their experiences. Maximilian Eibl gave an overview on CrossWorlds and Michael Storz presented his work. Keynotes were given by Frank Kirchner from the DFKI Bremen on “Robotics and Artificial Intelligence” and Bernt Schiele, director of the MPI Informatics Saarbrücken on “Scene Understanding – It’s Time to Address it Again”. An overview of the event can be found here.


Workshop on HRI

K. Dautenhahn & CrossWorlds Fellows

Friday the 3th of May we had the pleasure to welcome Prof. Kerstin Dautenhan in Chemnitz for a talk on Challenges in human Robot Interaction. Kerstin Dautenhahn is Professor of Artificial Intelligence in the School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Technology and Creative Arts at University of Hertfordshire. There she is coordinator of the Adaptive Systems Research Group with the main areas of research in Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, Socially Intelligent Agents and Artificial Life. In her talk on challenges in Human-Robot Interaction she gave plenty examples of robots and scenarios the Adaptive Systems Research Group created.

Kerstin Dautenhahn is former member of the Department of Biological Cybernetics at University of Bielefeld, Germany, 1990-1993, and AI-Lab at GMD (now Fraunhofer), Sankt Augustin, Germany, 1993-1996, and VUB Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Brussels, Belgium. In April 2000 she joined the Department of Computer Science (now School of Computer Science) at University of Hertfordshire as Principal Lecturer. She got promoted to full Professor in 2003. We are very happy that she joined her rich experiences in interdisciplinary research – she joined Robotics as a studied Biologist – afterwards with some of our PhDs.

Further information about Kerstin Dautenhahn can be found on her Website.


M&C ’13 Workshop: Methodological Approaches to HCI

Designing interactive systems requires knowledge about actual interaction processes that evolve during HCI. Acquiring this knowledge, however, is a matter of an adequate methodological approach that enables researchers to answer specific questions in the respective contexts that frame the interaction between the user and interactive systems.

With the aim to discuss the adequacy of different methodological strategies for specific applications, CrossWorlds is going to organize a workshop at Mensch & Computer 2013 (M&C) about “Methodological Approaches to HCI”. The workshop will serve as a platform for focused discussions about current interdisciplinary research projects that aim to design or evaluate various interactive systems (computers, robots, virtual agents). We therefore encourage graduate and postgraduate students to submit an extended abstract concerning their current methodological issues in HCI research.

More Information on the schedule and submission deadline will follow in due time.


Workshop with Lucy Suchman 04/05/2012

Our fellow researcher Kalja Kanellopoulos was invited to take part in an interdisciplinary PhD workshop with Prof. Lucy Suchman at the Ruhr University Bochum last week. Suchman is an expert in anthropology and sociology, focusing on science and technology studies, feminist technoscience and human-computer interaction – to name only some of her main research areas. Before coming to the Lancaster University Department of Sociology and Centre for Science Studies she spent twenty years as a researcher at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center. Her book Human-Machine Reconfigurations. Plans and situated actions (embedded at the end of the article), first published in 1987 as her thesis, broadly influenced different scientific fields and still counts as one of the key texts in science and technology studies and human-computer interaction. The 12 participants of the workshop were invited to discuss their projects with Suchman, applying the concepts she developed to their own work. The inspiring one day workshop brought together young academics from different scientific fields, such as sociology, anthropology and media studies. It was organized by the Mercator Research Group.


International Symposium for Information Science

Last week’s 13th International Symposium for Information Science was a very interesting experience for our collegiate Andreas Bischof and CrossWorld’s associated member Vera Obländer. Information Science is an interdisciplinary research field on the triad between knowledge, humans and information technology, as the German information science pioneer Gernot Wersig pointed out in 1993. Researchers from a broad vary of disciplines like library science, book science, applied informatics, hci design, interaction design, psychology or philosophy attended the conference at the Univesity of Apllied Science in Potsdam.

Among the key notes, talks and doctoral sessions several media informatics associates of Chemnitz University of Technology presented their work. Thomas Wilhelm gave insights on his concept for a web service to improve information retrieval technology. His colleague Marc Ritter presented a technical solution to improve digitization and extraction of metadata in video archives.

Andreas Bischof and Vera Obländer presented the first results from CrossWorld’s mutual research seminar, including all current members, associate researchers and students of Technische Universität Chemnitz. During the last semester we worked on an interdisciplinary, overarching taxonomy on interaction in human machine constellations. To combine and compare the different approaches to the term “interaction”, we developed a meta-definition with three structural features of definitions of interaction.

The paper (in German) and the whole conference proceedings can be found on the publication server of FH Potsdam.


4th Augmented Human International Conference 2013

Thad Starner

Thad Starner, wearing Google Glass on the 4th Augmented Human Conference 2013 in Stuttgart

The collegiate Vincent attended the 4th Augmented Human 2013, which took place in Stuttgart, Germany, on March 7 and 8. The conference focused on augmenting human capabilities through technology, seeking to improve human life. The keynote was held by Thad Starner, pioneer in wearable computing and Technical Lead/Manager on Google’s Project Glass. He talked about his work leading to Google Glass and some other hardware they invented, like a glove that can help people learning to play piano without having to pay attention. It was also interesting to hear how he started decades ago when wearable computers were only bulky prototypes, which he wore on a daily basis in his personal life.

All the presented papers detailed interesting concepts, like a camera in a football that generates a bird’s eye view when thrown, manipulation of emotional response by slightly changing the user’s reflection in a mirror or a system for gait rehabilitation for Parkinson’s patients. The whole conference was very inspiring and everyone agreed they were glad that they attended. The 5th Conference 2014 will be held in Kobe, Japan and our Collegiate hopes to attend again next year.


Conference on german Science Studies

Science and Technology Studies (STS) and the Sociology of Knowledge are largely seperate fields in german Sociology. To overcome this trench the respective sections of the German Assosication for Sociology met for a mutual conference at Technische Universität Berlin on january 18. and 19. Our fellows Kalja Kanellopoulos and Andreas Bischof attended the event.

The core of the joint-work was the question about the social dimension(s) of scientific knowledge. The associated problems, e.g.the relations between different types of knowledge like “everyday knowledge” vs. “scienctific knowledge”, have been handled as empricial questions, which allowed a comparative perspective. Some of the discussed dimensions briefly touched:

Production of Scientific Knowledge
The basic social mode of production of scientific knowledge is boundary work. It’s production as canonical knowledge is based on personal networks, and shaped by opposing dynamics in scientific knowledge (differentiation) and the organization of academic science (stratification). The production of scientific knowledge in companies can lead to irresolvable contradictions, particularly for qualitative research. A softer institution of the production and updating of scientific knowledge are conferences and conventions itself, their multiple functions should be investigated further.

Legitimation of Scientific Knowledge
Regarded as an essential distinction against other forms of knowledge, scientific knowledge institutionalized its own forms of legitimacy. In modern science the book review is one of the classical forms of literary criticism. The qualitative analysis of different review journals shows how necessary the comparative analysis of differentiated academic cultures is. A relatively new form of assessment of scientific knowledge is the appointment of quantifying algorithms. Examining these bibliometrics and its meaning in recent publishing shows their lack of standard and possibility of abuse. As an outlook for future research, forms of popular scientific mediation has been mentioned, particularly used by natural sciences. Those reflect a special and recent form of legitimation of scientific knowledge: its capability of being connectable to public discourses.

Effects of Scientific Knowledge
Scientific knowledge is the base for most governance strategies and instruments. Political decisions about legal conditions of human medical issues such as organ donation are more and more delegated to expert committees, with lack scientific examination. By becoming part of governance structures, the scientific knowledge undergoes a peculiar social effect: It becomes “blind” for its own derivation and tends to construct society as an external entity. It therefore operates in a semantics of naturalization of social order. Another example for the diffusion of scientific knowledge in various sectors of society is the analysis and monitoring of human practices using cameras. Evaluation forms such as eye tracking in market research or surveillance of public places develop specific forms of visual objectivity.


VAR2 Conference

Keynote from Prof. Patricia Soh-Khim Ong, National University of Singapore on "Use of Augmented Reality in Design and Manufacturing"

Keynote from Prof. Patricia Soh-Khim Ong, National University of Singapore on “Use of Augmented Reality in Design and Manufacturing”

The Fraunhofer IWU and the Chair of Machine Tools and forming techniques organized a conference on virtual and augmented reality in Chemnitz from January 31st to February 1st 2013. The VAR2-Conference focused on new research for “extending reality”. Session topics included virtual engineering, interaction in virtual scenes, trends and potentials of augmented reality and data management for VR/AR application. Benny Liebold and Daniel Pietschmann from Crossworlds presented a research poster and a short paper titled “Explaining User Experience in Stereoscopic IVEs via Spatial Mapping in Mental Interaction Models: Prototype of a Multi-User-Interaction VR” at the conference.